Sheep Fleece for Hanging Baskets

Using Fleece to Line Hanging Baskets

Organic sheep’s fleece is a wonderful choice for lining hanging baskets, it offers strength, insulation and nutrition to the plants. It’s also very pretty to look at!

Sheep’s fleece is ideal for every garden.

Why use Sheep’s fleece to line hanging baskets?

  • Replaces use of plastic and moss
  • slow to biodegrade
  • contains nutrients
  • helps keep humidity up in the basket
  • looks good
  • uses bits of the fleece that might have otherwise been discarded

The look and smell:

When you unpack your fleece you will notice an unmistakable sheepy smell that comes from the year round grass pasture they feed on and the natural lanolin in the fleece.

The fleece may appear dirty, this is because it is unwashed raw fleece. The colour will be creamy with some darker patches caused by the sheep’s natural oils and lanolins.

Some vegetable matter may remain.

The Sheep:

All of our sheep are native British hill breeds, some are very rare. They live outside and graze on pasture year round. They create smaller but very hardy lambs and are excellent mothers.

Making your hanging basket lining from Fleece:

Start by gently teasing apart the fibres.
Place the fibres around the edge of your hanging basket starting at the bottom and working your way up the sides in circles. Aim for 2 complete layers. Use the longer length fibres higher up the basket edge.